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Full-time Homemaker

"You know Jay, when everybody was sitting at lunch last week talking about their parents'
jobs, I was pretty embarrassed to admit that my mom is just a housewife. I mean, Steve's mom
is an attorney, Lauren's mom and dad own the video store, Craig's mom sells real estate, and your mom is a school teacher. How important is it if your mom just stays home all day waiting for her family to get home from work or school? But, since I was home most of the week with the flu, I think I've changed my mind. My mom never sits still all day, she has to keep the house clean, the laundry done, the food stocked, the meals cooked, and the car-pool going. Plus, on Tuesday our next-door neighbor's daughter fell off the playscape at school and broke her arm and guess who they called? My mom! Her parents couldn't be reached at their jobs immediately and my mom is listed on her emergency call list. I had forgotten how my mom was always the room mother for school parties, and she always chaperoned our field trips. She still does all that for my little brother. So, I've decided my mom really does have a career. It may not sound very important, but that doesn't mean it isn't!

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