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  Self-Assessment for Holland Type

This is a sample self-assessment to help you determine your Holland Type. Start by printing out this page, or by numbering a sheet of paper 1-15. Then answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions, and check out what your answers mean.

  1. I like long-term projects.
  2. I like to build or repair things.
  3. I like to do things in order.
  4. I enjoy doing things that produce results.
  5. I like to organize activities.
  6. I'd like to deal with people all day.
  7. I need clear and precise instructions.
  8. I'm interested in operating machinery.
  9. I like using math.
  10. I'd like to be able to control the work of others.
  11. I like helping people.
  12. I read books or watch TV to find out about things.
  13. I'd like to discover something new.
  14. I like to get people to do things.
  15. I like to ask people their opinion.

Click here to check your answers.

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