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Professional (teacher, lawyer, accountant):

"Did you hear about the accident at the new mall? The architects invited a bunch of people to look at the inside now that the building is enclosed. Except, when they went to ride the escalator, the steps flattened out like a ramp and everybody slid down. No one was injured, but the architects are in big trouble. My dad is a building inspector and I heard him talking to my mom last night. He said that the two architects did not test any of the escalators or elevator equipment for safety because they were behind schedule and wanted to save money. Now they are responsible for the mayor, the city council, and the store owners sliding down two flights of stairs! Plus, because of all the safety checks that have to be done the stores won't be opening until August instead of June. So, the really bad news is that our plans for summer jobs went down the escalator, too!"

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